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Temperament Sorter

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps this is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. -Henry David Thoreau

Sorter is companion software for the book “
Please Understand Me II: Temperament Character Intelligence” by David Keirsey. Published by © Prometheus Nemesis Book Company 1998

The results of this sorter are to be used with the book and should not be taken in isolation.

In 1995 I used the
On-Line Sorter found on the internet, and discovered that I was an INTP, what that was or meant I did not know. I joined the INTP mail list and over the next 3 years made some of the most astounding self realisations of my life. I discovered firstly that I was not “damaged goods”, I found that some of my “problem” behaviours were in-fact the flip side of my strengths. I also realised that while there are patterns, we are all different and should be valued for who we are.

This process changed the way I viewed my wife and our marriage, my Children and my parenting, and my work patterns and employment directions. It resulted in me spending less energy swimming against the flow and more on working with my strengths. I have been able to develop deep and caring relationships with a large and diverse group of people. I have begun to love myself and then those around me. Not to transform them in my likeness but to encourage them to fulfil their potentials.

This is not an easy journey. This has involved errors and misunderstandings. It has involved opening myself to types of people, who I find difficult to trust and understand. Allowing them to be themselves and to bring their unique gifts to the table.

This Sorter is not a global panacea, the problems PUM addresses may not be yours, but I hope you are able to gain a little understanding from this work, and that it will build acceptance of yourself and those around you.

As a result of the great help this book has been to me and my family, I decided to use one of my skills to, hopefully, give a little back to this community. This software is the result. Please use it and share it with as many people as you want. Please keep it intact and make no changes.

This version has be localised for British spelling.

The copyrights rest with their owners.

© Prometheus Nemesis Book Company 1998
Software coding
© 2001 - 2015 Bill Pitcher and
iLike computing Limited